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Topping sugar plum pie dragée biscuit. Cake toffee shortbread sugar plum tootsie roll brownie

Topping sugar plum pie dragée biscuit. Cake toffee shortbread sugar plum tootsie roll brownie

Latest bit of encouragement
#57: Count Your Blessings: How Gratitude Changes Everything
Have you ever found yourself grumbling about what you don’t have, only to realize later how blessed you really are?…

#56: Harnessing the Power of Mindset: How Your Thoughts Shape Your Reality
Ever feel like your day’s going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day? If you’ve ever read…

#55: The Secret to Less Stress and More Happiness
Imagine hiking a trail with your senses on high alert, every rustle and shadow stirring a sense of heightened awareness….

#54: Authentic Happiness: What is it and how do you create it?
Ever notice how the excitement from a quick pick-me-up like a new dress or a night out fades so quickly?…

#2: Gratitude…a simple step to get you started
Today we’re talking about one simple step you can take to get you started on your journey towards real authentic…

#1: Get to know your host, Shelly
Welcome to Episode #1 of the Make Happiness Happen podcast. Before we dive in, I want to take a few…