Well hello there, I’m Shelly!
Can I ask you a question? How are you feeling…like really feeling…right now?
If you’re like I was, you’re first response is probably “I’m good” or “I’m fine” or something similar. Wouldn’t it be awesome if instead you could answer with “I’m great” and really mean it?
We’re so conditioned to think of what’s wrong in life, that often overlook what’s right. We miss the little things that bring happiness to our days. Sometimes we even miss the big things! I’m on a mission to help you change that…to help you gain confidence, courage and find real happiness in life!
In case you’re wondering, the answer is no…I haven’t always felt confident or courageous or happy! In fact, when I was 30, I found myself as a single mom, in the middle of a messy divorce, after my husband of 11 years had an affair. The day after my daughter’s 4th birthday, she and I moved in with my parents. A few months later, my soon-to-be ex-husband moved halfway across the country with his new girlfriend.
I felt like a complete failure. A failure as a wife. A failure as a mom. A failure as a woman. My confidence was shattered. My courage was non-existent. I had a hard time believing I’d ever be happy again.
As I look back, I realize that moment…when my whole being was in pieces…was the moment my life turned around. I leaned on my parents to help raise my daughter and I spent several months letting myself grieve the loss of the life I had dreamed of living.
I began to look for ways to heal my heart and my soul. I still had my daughter to raise and I didn’t want divorce to negatively impact her. I wanted…I needed…to be her everything, her mom and her dad. I had to find a way to be happy for her.
My journey started with self-help books and audio recordings. Tony Robbins was the first. I listened to his audiobook every chance I got. I started to implement the techniques he taught. Slowly…so very slowly…I started to heal. Or so I thought. I made the mistake of jumping into a new relationship to soon. It felt so good to be loved and desired again.
I fell fast for the new guy in my life. I thought we would get married and live happily ever after. It took several years for me to realize we weren’t on the same path. I wanted a husband…he wanted a girlfriend. When I broke things off, I felt like I was right back where I had been after my divorce. Once again, my confidence was shattered, my courage was non-existent, and I had a hard time believing I’d ever be happy again.
Through this experience, I learned that I needed to figure out who I was and wanted to be before getting into another relationship. I needed to fall in love with myself before I let myself fall in love with someone else. I started my journey again.
I dove back into my Tony Robbins audios. I started reading books about healing after divorce. I focused on everything that was good in my life. This time, I really did start to heal. This time I really did start to find happiness in myself and my life.
Today I’m happily married to my husband of 14 years. My daughter is an amazing 24-year-old young woman. She recently graduated college and is beginning her life journey. I have so many things to be grateful for, so many things that bring happiness into my life, and even still, there are days I struggle, days I put on a fake smile and pretend everything is ok.
Life’s like that. There are good days and there are bad days. The good days bring us happiness. The bad days…if we let them…bring us lessons, strengthen us, and make us appreciate the good days.
Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. We need people who love us and care for us to help us through the bad days…through the difficult times. I’m here to be one of those people for you.
I’m here to help you stop faking it and be happy for real. Are you ready?
Choose to be HAPPY my friend!